The SoundWell Vibro-Therapy is the official representative of Olav Skille VibroAcoustic Therapy Solutions from Nordic Countries (Norway /Finland ) in America, Providing knowledge, solutions and implementation of the original VibroAcoustic Therapy, pure frequencies and training.

Occupations That Can Incorporate Vibroacoustic Therapy
Add Sound Therapy in Your Occupation
Vibroacoustic Therapy is a generic, holistic and integrative modality and self help tool. It helps balance inner systems and optimizes inner energy. It helps reduce pain, stress, insomnia and anxiety and boost vitality. It could be an added value to any occupation in the health and wellness fields and can be used before, during or after your sessions.
Psychotherapy & Social Sciences
Physical & Health
CAM & Natural therapies
Mental Health Counselors
Marriage and Family Therapists
School and Career Counselors
Substance Abuse Counselors
Behavioral Disorder Counselors
Social Workers
Art Therapists
Human Resources Managers
Training and Development Managers
Music Therapists
Recreational Therapists
Registered Nurses
Respiratory Therapists
Rehabilitation and Special Education
Speech-Language Pathologists
Self-Enrichment Teachers
Social and Community Service Managers
Social and Human Service Assistants
Veterinary Assistants and Laboratory Animal Caretakers
Veterinary Technologists and Technicians
Probation and Correctional Services
Sports Coaches & Officials
Physicians and Surgeon
Dental Hygienists
Medical and Health Services Managers
Physician Assistants
Medical Scientists
EMTs and Paramedics
Occupational Therapists
Physical Therapists
Radiation Therapists
Surgical Technologists
Psychiatric Technicians and Aides
Nursing Aides, Orderlies, and Attendants
Home Health and Personal Care Aides
Health Educators
Physical & Health
Massage Therapists
Alexander method
Feldenkrais method
Authentic dancing therapy
Art Therapists
Sound Therapists
Responsible stressi jobs
Air Traffic Controllers
Airline and Commercial Pilots
Bus Drivers
Flight Attendants
Heavy and Tractor-trailer Truck Drivers
Military professionals
Water Transportation Occupations
Athletes and Sports Competitors
Athletic Trainers
Dancers and Choreographers
Fitness Trainers and Instructors
Music Directors and Composers
Musicians and Singers